Fixing the never-ending spinner in Collaborate

If you're using Chrome, you might get stuck with this when trying to login to Collaborate:

The issue is most likely due to a cookie being blocked, and is easy to fix!

  1. Click the lock icon on the left side of the address bar.

    screenshot of address bar, with arrow pointing to lock icon
  2. Choose "Cookies" from the drop-down menu.

    screenshot of security popup, with arrow pointing to Cookies menu item
  3. A dialog window will open showing the allowed cookies. Switch to the "Blocked" tab.

    screenshot of Cookies dialog, with arrow pointing to Blocked tab
  4. Select "" from the list and click the "Allow" button in the bottom left.

    screenshot of Cookies dialog with arrows pointing to (1) blocked cookie and (2) Allow button
  5. A confirmation should appear at the bottom near the Allow button. Click "Done" to close the dialog.

    screenshot of Cookies dialog showing changed settings for cookie, and arrow pointing to Done button
  6. Reload the page to allow the settings to take effect.

    screenshot of browser reload notification, with arrow pointing to Reload button